504 Accommodations Evaluation

Individuals in high school and college

The purpose of an evaluation for accommodations is to assess an individual’s need for accommodations within the higher-education setting and/or on college board exams. The evaluation is designed to gain a better understanding of the individual's learning profile and to determine the presence of any educationally relevant functional limitations. The evaluation seeks to clarify the presence of a learning disability (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, nonverbal learning disability) or other disabilities (ADHD, Autism, Emotional Disorder).

The scope of the evaluation is individually determined based on the presenting concerns and may include assessment of global and specific cognitive and learning-related processes, executive functions, academic skill development, and social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. The results are interpreted within the context of the individual's developmental, health, school history, personal background, and experiences, as well as and information gathered through clinical observations and parent input, and (when appropriate) school-based observations and teacher input. 

The evaluation includes recommendations for accommodations on college boards and within the higher education setting. Evidence to supports the need for accommodations is highlighted which helps guide the testing agencies and educational institutions when considering the need for accommodations.

If the institution of higher education or college board exam(s) is known, the evaluation can be conducted to ensure the evaluation meets the standards and documentation requirements specific to the institution/agency.

The standard rate for an evaluation is $2500 but may be higher or lower depending on the scope of the evaluation. The exact cost is determined before the evaluation begins.

If the cost of the evaluation is a barrier a sliding scale is available. Please reach out to me for more information.